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Thursday, December 5, 2013

2nd Grader Loves Art

Support Kula School Art Programs @

This second grader at Kula School likes to paint and use different colors. 

Kula School PTA and Kula PTA Store are vital to funding student programs at Kula School. 

If you would like to help or to learn more, please visit the fundraiser link at the top.

Please help us reach our 3,000 item goal at
Kula PTA Store's Amazon Winter Fundraiser 
Shop & Share - Visit Often!   

PTA Page in PCNC Newsletter DECEMBER 2013

PCNC PTA Page at

Text Version:
We are sending a VERY BIG Mahalo to all our parents, volunteers, students, sponsors and staff who helped make the Harvest Fest a great success!
Because of all your hard work, together we raised over $25,000 to help fund student education at Kula School!
Help thank our generous Sponsors:
Official Thanks Coming Soon!
Like our Facebook page at and "comment" and "share" when we post our official thank you. 
Also, Pictures and letters are welcome.  Send to: or the office.*
Make one purchase at Amazon via to qualify for the drawing.  We are hoping for 100% participation.
Don't go online?  You can still participate! 
Ask your employer, friend or family to purchase one gift card from Kula PTA Store for their future purchases at Subway, Whole Foods,  Burger King, PetCo, Office Max, Regal Entertainment, or Amazon.  Turn your Contest Envelope in with a copy of the receipt and you're qualified!  
See our New FAQs page online:
Do you have to be a Kula School Family to support Kula PTA Store?
What if I already have an Amazon account?
Can you see my purchases?
How will I know if Kula School got credit?
Be a Kula PTA Store Ambassador
Help us reach our 3,000 item Winter Goal
Like us on Facebook: Like Comment and
Share our posts so others can see them
Share via text, email, and phone

Monday, December 2, 2013

Students Love PE

2nd Grader loves Dodge Ball sponsored by Kula PTA

Our students appreciate their time outside participating in games and movement.  This is the first post of a series which will let the kids express why PE and the other PTA funded programs are so important to them. 
Without PTA funding at Kula School, the PE program wouldn't be possible.